Saturday, March 13, 2021


In this review you will see my usual struggle with categorizing genres, and I surprise even myself by giving Anal Cunt the top spot. Everyone who isn’t even trying to do a write-up is my sworn enemy.

10. The Love Movement - A Tribe Called Quest

The hip-hop version of philosopher Erich Fromm’s Art of Loving. I’m a consistent fan of this mellow 90s sub-genre.

Some Songs: 4 Moms (Feat. Spanky), His Name Is Mutty Ranks

9. Queen Of All Ears - The Lounge Lizards

It’s gotten my foot in the door to appreciating jazz, which I once thought was not possible.

Some Songs: The First And Royal Queen, Scary Children

8. Covetous Creature (EP) - Jack Off Jill

This band was the shit when I was 13. I fucking don’t like this weird electronic overlay NIN shit overtop their usual sound but I had to include them anyway because they were very important to me as an angsty preteen girl.

Some Songs: American Made, Poor Impulse

7. End Hits - Fugazi

What I used to think hardcore was before it somehow became synonymous with the modern emo/screamo genre. If more of what they call ‘hardcore’ now sounded like this then I wouldn’t make fun of people who listen to it as much.

Some Songs: Place Position, Five Corporations

6. Phantom Power - Tragically Hip

I got into Tragically Hip old because my parents aren’t Canadian (my dad was into classic old man rock and my mom’s favourite thing to listen to is ocean sounds). This is one of those albums that actually lived up to the hype.

Some Songs: Bobcaygeon, Membership

5. How It Feels To Be Something On - Sunny Day Real Estate

I like their sexy doomer, ambiguously religious, mystery aesthetic.

Some Songs: Every Shining Time You Arrive, 100 Million

4. Steal This Album - The Coup

Any album with a song about killing a pimp is a good one, and this album checks that box. I know it’s fashionable to hate cops right now, but where’s the proportionate and equally justified hatred of pimps? Maybe people will start to think sexual exploitation is also “bad” once they get a little instagram powerpoint presentation that tells them to. I normally find music this political and verbose to be extremely tacky but The Coup does it well, careening from poignant (Underdogs, 20,000 Gun Salute) to hilarious (‘Piss On Your Grave,’ ‘Breathing Apparatus’).

Some Songs: Me And Jesus The Pimp In A ‘79 Granada Last Night, Cars & Shoes

3. Celebrity Skin - Hole

Celebrity Skin is a little polished but still has Courtney Love’s edge and is overall a very touching album. Love was admittedly probably kinda shitty but not in a meaningfully different way from other male rock stars. In hindsight I think we can all agree that it was funny that she punched Kathleen Hanna in the face.

Some Songs: Hit So Hard, Boys On The Radio

2. Serial Girlfriend - Holly Golightly

Once saw a comment calling her the female Beatles. I don’t know what compelled that person to make such an annoying observation but I don’t know what genre to call this.

Some Songs: Your Love Is Mine, Come The Day

1. Picnic Of Love - Anal Cunt

Every artist, if they’re any good, gets to a point where they must transcend their formula. Anal Cunt took their standard of writing “barely listenable” grindcore songs like “Kill Women,” “I Hope You Get Deported,” and “Recycling Is Gay,” and wrote acoustic medleys for this album sung in falsetto with self-satirizing titles like “I Respect Your Feelings As a Woman and a Human,” “Saving Ourselves for Marriage,” and “In My Heart There’s a Star Named After You.” I spent a lot of time on male-dominated 4chan-adjacent internet forums growing up, which in hindsight might be why I came out a little off… point being I have a history of gravitating towards provocative and offensive content. Despite being cursed with a feminine disposition towards cooperation and agreeableness, deep down inside I am an edge-lord, which is why I support shit like this because it carries out my will. Part of being a douchebag contrarian is contradicting whatever is mainstream— there are no sacred cows— and that means eventually turning against the norms you began with. Thank you Anal Cunt for understanding what being a true artist is all about!

Some Songs: That’s Really Not The Point


  1. Serial Girlfriend was so close to making my list. Love that record.

    1. Lol why does it look like this. Copy pasting from Word makes it secret code?

      I thought you edited all of these to make them comply with your serial killer standards can you make this look normal

    2. That's very strange. I thought you put a spoiler tag on it lol

  2. Everyone knows the best Anal Cunt song is Bonus Track 2. "Can I get two tickets to Soundgarden please? Yes."

  3. Great write up on Anal Cunt by the way, genuinely. Glad you put them on there. They are a marvel that's for sure.

  4. Such a solid Anal Cunt review! No longer are they just a band where 15 year olds laugh at the song names...
