Monday, March 15, 2021


1. Neutral Milk Hotel - In The Aeroplane Over The Sea

Can't say where I was or how I first heard this album, but it certainly played a major part in the shape of my musical preference to come. The music that always draws me in the most is what tends to effect me lyrically. I used to write out the lyrics to these songs to better understand and appreciate the structure and literary devices. I was particularly drawn to Jeff Magnum's brilliant use of consonance in the lyrics, which the album is rife with; the repetition of similar sounds particularly using hard sounds or consonants as seen in this example form King of Carrot Flowers pt.2, "And on the lazy days, the dogs dissolve and drain away" repeating D and S sounds. And if you want you can look to the title track In the Aeroplane Over the Sea, which carries the repeating S sound motif for its entirety. Jeff Magnum said that In the Aeroplane Over the Sea captures his own discovery and reaction to The Diary of Anne Frank. The album remains one of my favourites of all time.

Standout Tracks: (Well, all obviously, but for sake of compilation); Holland 1945, Two-Headed Boy

2. Catch 22 - Keasby Nights

Monumental of course and its still slaps. Of course everyone knows of the once controversy of Thomas Kalnoky being kicked out of Catch 22 after the release of this album, so he started his own band called Streetlight Manifesto and just made this exact same album again. Well hey, it's pretty cool we now have two versions to listen to! Though there is some charm to to the Catch-22 album that stands out in my opinion. The horns are a bit softer and it overall seems more genuine, well I guess that's fair, this one wasn't made out of spite.

Standout Tracks: (All again, but let's do.... uh); Dear Sergio, Kristina She don't Know I Exist

3. The Brian Jonestown Massacre - Strung Out In Heaven

I was lucky enough to see this band live. They played for three straight hours, without a single break or second of banter, except for the one time Anton stopped to yell at the guitarist for being off tempo. Arguably one of the most underappreciated bands of all time, they may have created 60s revival and were the first band to record and release their own album that would become a commercial success; Thank God for Mental Illness, so if you want to say they are the first "Indie" band of all time, well that would take too much explaining, and lead to some eye rolling and by the end of your history lesson, your audience would be begging you to shut up, thinking about how much of a pretentious asshole you are, like all of you reading this right now...

Standout Tracks: I've Been Waiting, Jennifer

4. Mad Caddies - Duck And Cover

Mad Caddies just came to me in my Ska phase. I think it was Weird Beard from Rock the Plank I first heard, which sure it's gimmicky, but it's fun and I like it, maybe I just want to be a pirate, what's it too you! Shiver me timbers you goddamn land lubbers! Wait what was I talking about... Oh yeah, this album slaps!

Standout Tracks: Road Rash, No Hope

5. Bright Eyes - Letting Off The Happiness

I was telling Brian recently the story of how I got into Bright Eyes. I had seen the title of the song, The Calendar Hung Itself and thought wow, that is emo. I had a laugh and thought it was pretty stupid, listened to the song, and had another laugh, particularly when he's screaming, "You are my sunshine..." etc. Isn't that supposed to be a happy song? He sings it so deranged, it's hilarious, haha I better listen to it again to make fun of it more! Haha, how ridiculous, hey that one part is kind of good though, hey this story is pretty cool, ah man that's sad I can relate, duuuude this song is amazing! "YOU MAKE ME HAPPY! HA! WHEN SKIIIIIES ARE GREEEEEEEEY"

Standout Tracks: If Winter Ends, The City Has Sex

6. Sonic Youth - A Thousand Leaves

I'm generally not a big fan of the direction of music in the 90s. Sonic Youth is one of those bands that shaped the sound of music to come, and certainly everyone should listen to them at least once. I love how spastic and uncoorrdinated this album is. Controversial filmmaker, Harmonie Corinne directed the music video for their single, Sunday, that features Macaulay Culkin in his teens, making out, and making seductive faces at the camera for five minutes. It is both fascinating and somehow disturbing, Corinne's unique perspective pairs brilliantly with Sonic Youth's spastic and jarring sound.

Standout Tracks: Sunday, Wildflower Soul

7. Refused - The Shape Of Punk To Come

See what I did there? This album is kind of all over the place too. But certainly has some bangers. Super experimental, with jazz licks appearing several times throughout the album. The 90s was a strange time. Lots of respect for this album.

Standout Tracks: The Deadly Rhythm, Refused Are Fucking Dead.

8. Less Than Jake - Hello Rockview

Less Than Jake is one of the only ska bands from the 90s that still puts out decent music. Was I introduced to them buy Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4? Of course. Did I tell everyone I listened to them before that? Of course, who doesn't know Less Than Jake? Fuckin posers!

Standout Tracks: All My Best Friends Are Metalheads, History Of A Boring Town

9. At The Drive-In - In/Casino/Out

Relationship of Command is so solid that its often times hard to listen to anything else. In/Casino/Out is kind of like the test demo version of RoC. But at the same time, it's definitely cool to see the progression and there certainly are some great songs on this album. Very cool stuff for 1998.

Standout Tracks: Pickpocket, A Devil Among The Tailors

10. The Offspring - Americana

I guess. This album is super fun and easy to play for a broad audience. I didn't listen to much of The Offspring growing up especially because of the terribly non-musical radio hosts of Georgetown's hit radio station, 102.1 The Edge, that know about 5 bands that they listened to in high school. They played The Offspring too much and it really turned me off them, but in recent years, having some friends that are big fans, and listening to them more, it's easy to see why lots think it's a good time. The Kids Aren't Alright always made me think of Georgetown.

Standout Tracks: Ask Todd.

Thanks for listening!


  1. Welcome to my 'non-enemies' list. I related to your comments about Catch-22 and Bright Eyes and laughed. Re 'consonance' - more theory (is that what you would call it?) /interesting info about music always appreciated!
